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Miss Aruba Beauty Pageant event for 2013

Miss Aruba Beauty Pageant will take place July 19, 2013 at the Westin Ballroom. The event starts at 9:00pm with 6 beautiful contestants who will do what ever it takes to win the crown.

See this event in the Calendar

Devika Ramjanam Jarnely Martinus
Contestant#1 - Devika Ramjanam.
Devika is 20 years of age and she's a resident of Pos Chikito. Devika just finished her Esthetician training and will continue her studies in The Netherlands. Her greatest ambition is to become a psychology social worker.
Devika hobbies includes reading and movies. Devika has a special talent, she's a make-up artist. Besides spending time on reading books and watching movies she also does kickboxing to keep her blood pumping and likes to maintain her condition on top notch by visiting the gym regularly.
Her favorite quote: "Think and be positive!".
Contestant#2 - Jarnely Martinus. Jarnely is 19 years of age and she's a resident of Weg Fontein.
Jarnely finished her studies in EPB and will continue her vocation studies in EPI.
Jarnely hobbies includes going to the beach regularly, she just loves Aruba's beautiful beaches and its clear water. Jarnely also likes Italian cuisine, specially pizza. Jarnely besides beaching and pizza she does keep her beautiful figure by doing softball and likes to participate in different national competitions.
Her greatest ambition is to be a gym instructor. Jarnely's favorite quote "Be yourself and go for your dreams!".
Jasmin Mari Giorgina Martinus
Contestant#3 - Jasmin Mari. Jasmin is 23 years of age and she's a resident of the town of Hooiberg.
Jasmin is finishing her High School degree.
Jasmin has a special talent, she likes to dance. Her hobbies includes visit the beach with her family and spent quality family time. Jasmin greatest ambition is to be a world famous magazine model.
Jasmin's favorite dish is spaghetti with meatballs and her personal quote "Smile... You don't own all the problems".
Contestant#4 - Giorgina Martinus. Giorgina is 19 years of age and lives in Sabana Basora.
Giorgina is studyng her vocational degree in economy at Colegio EPI, Unit Economy.
Giorgina's hobbies includes dancing and likes to participate in diferent playback shows. But her real passion is dancing. She considers a dance is a way to express your inner feelings in a form of art. Giorgina likes local/Caribbean cuisine, and specially the fish soup.
Giorgina personal quote "Mientras hay vida hay esperanza" meaning "While there is life, there is hope".
Stefanie Guillen Evangelista Milienca Ridderstap
Contestant#5 - Stefanie Guillen Evangelista.
Stefanie is 24 years of age and she's a resident of the town De Vuyst.
Stefanie finished her bachelors degree in Marketing and Communication and is working as a sales representative for a designer brand boutique.
Stefanie talents includes writing and she loves updating her personal fasion blog. Stefanie's ambition is to continue her career in the fashion industry. Stefanie also likes to keep up her nice figure by doing fitness and her favorite dish is seafood.
Stefanie's personal quote is "Smile... when it hurts".
Contestant#6 - Milienca Ridderstap.
Milienca is 25 years of age and resides in Westpunt.
Milienca just finished her senior high school degree in Colegio Arubano - HAVO.
Milienca's hobbies includes running and swimming. Milienca has a special talent in the kitchen, she just loves to cook, and her favorite dish is anything with spagetti.
Milienca greatest ambition is to dedicate time in taking care of animals. Her pesonal quote is "Persevera pa logra bo meta!" meaning "Persevere and you will achieve your goals"

Aruba has achieved important and significant titles in the:

Miss Universe Pageant


Maureen Vieira 1974

Maureen Vieira
4th Finalist Miss Universe


Taryn Mansell 1996

Taryn Mansell
1st Finalist Miss Universe


Tamara Scaroni 2000Tamara Scaroni
Miss Congeniality

All participants:

1964 - Lidia Lidwina Henriquez
1965 - Dorinda Croes
1966 - Sandra Fang
1967 - Ivonne Maduro
1968 - Sandra Croes
1969 - Jeannette Geerman
1970 - Linda Annette Richmon
1971 - Vicenta Vallita Maduro
1972 - Ivonne Dirksz
1973 - Monica Ethline Oduber
1974 - Maureen Ava Vieira [4th]
1975 - Martica Pamela Brown
1976 - Cynthia Marlene Bruin
1977 - Margaret Eldrid Oduber
1978 - Margarita Marieta Tromp
1979 - Lugina Liliana Margareta Vilchez
1980 - Magaly Celestina Maduro
1981 - Synia Reyes
1982 - Noriza Antonio Helder
1983 - Milva Evertsz
1984 - Jacqueline Deborah van Putten
1986 - Mildred Jacqueline (Jacky) Semeleer
1989 - Marina Karina Felix
1990 - Gwendolyne Charlotte Kwidama
1992 - Yerusha Rasmijn
1993 - Dyane Escalona
1994 - Alexandra Ochoa Hincapié
1995 - Marie-Denise Herrlein
1996 - Taryn Scheryl Mansell [1st]
1997 - Karen-Ann Peterson
1998 - Wendelyne (Wendy) Esther Laclé
1999 - Irina Tamara Croes
2000 - Tamara Lucia Scaroni [Miss Congeniality]
2001 - Denise Vanessa Balinge
2002 - Deyanira Ludwina Frank
2003 - Malayka Carolina Rasmijn
2004 - Zerelda (Zizi) Candice Wai-Yen Lee
2005 - Luisana Nikulay Cicilia
2006 - Melissa Laclé
2007 - Carolina Raven
2008 - Tracey Marion Jeniree Nicolaas

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Miss World Pageant


Gwendolin Kwidama 1990

Gwendolin Kwidama
Semi Finalist Miss World


Afranina Henriquez 1996

Afranina Henriquez
Finalist Miss World
Queen of the Caribbean Miss World


Zizi Lee 2001

Zizi Lee
1st Finalist Miss World
Queen of the Caribbean Miss World


Rachelle Oduber 2002

Rachelle Oduber
Semi Finalist Miss World
Queen of the Caribbean Miss World

All participants:

1964 - Regina Croes
1966 - Reina Patricia Hernandez
1971 - Maria Elizabeth Bruin
1972 - Sandra Werleman
1973 - Edwina Diaz
1974 - Esther Angeli Luisa Marugg
1975 - Cynthia Marlene Bruin
1976 - Maureen Wever
1977 - Helene Maria Croes
1978 - Rose Anne Marie Lejuez
1979 - Vianca Maria Magdalena Hoek
1980 - Ethline Ambrosia Dekker
1981 - Gerarda Hendrine Jantiene Reopel
1982 - Noriza Antonio Helder
1983 - Audrey Bruges
1984 - Margaret Jane Bislick
1985 - Jacqueline Deborah van Putten
1989 - Delailah Odor-Wever
1990 - Gwendolyne Charlotte Kwidama [SF]
1991 - Sandra Croes
1992 - Solange Noelle Nicolaas
1993 - Christina van den Berg
1995 - Tessa Pieterz
1996 - Afranina Henriquez [SF]
1997 - Michella Laclé Croes
1998 - Judelca Shahira Briceño
1999 - Cindy Vanessa Cam Lin Martinus
2000 - Monique Angelique van der Horn
2001 - Zeralda (Zizi) Candice Wai-Yien Lee [1st]
2002 - Rachelle Oduber [SF]
2003 - Nathaly Biermans
2004 - Luisana Nikulay Cicilia
2005 - Sarah Carolina Juddan
2006 - Shanandoa Arnaldi Wijshijer
2007 - Boyoura Martijn
2008 - Christina Marie Trejo-Baiz

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Miss International Pageant


Alexandra Ochoa 1994

Alexandra Ochoa
1st Finalist Miss International


Carolina Albertsz
Best National Costume


Dione Croes
Finalist Miss International


Jonella Oduber 2007

Jonella Oduber
Best National Costume


Nuraisa Lispier 2008

Nuraisa Carelys Lispier
Best National Costume

All participants:

1994 - Alexandra Ochoa Hincapié [1st]
1995 - Yolanda Janssen
1996 - Julisa Marie Lampe
1997 - Louisette Mariela Vlinder
1998 - Anushka Sheritsa Lew Jen Tai
1999 - Cindy Vanessa Cam Lin Martinus
2000 - Carolina Albertsz [Best Costume]
2001 - Daphne Dione Croes [SF]
2002 - Jerianne Tiel
2003 - Falon Juliana Lopez
2004 - Ysaura Giel
2005 - Gita van Bochove
2006 - Luizanne Donata
2007 - Jonella Oduber [Best Costume]
2008 - Nuraisa Carelys Lispier [Best Costume]

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Miss Teen International Pageant


Monika Brinkenberg 1993

Monica Brinkenberg
Semi Finalist
Miss Photogenic


Solange Vrolijk
Semi Finalist


Celina Mariana Oduber
Semi Finalist


Carolina Raven 1999

Carolina Raven
Miss Teen International
Miss Photogenic


Michelenne Obispa
Semi Finalist
Best Fantasy Costume
Best Evening Gown

All participants:

1993 - Monica Brinkenberg [SF][Miss Photogenic]
1994 - Julienne Abspoel
1996 - Solange Vrolijk [SF]
1998 - Celina Mariana Oduber [SF]
1999 - Carolina Raven [Winner][Miss Photogenic]
2000 - Milady Peterson Tromp
2004 - Michelenne Obispa [SF][Best Costume][Best in Evening Gown]

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Miss Teen Intercontinental Pageant


Blanca De Mey
7th Finalist Miss Teen Intercontinental
Miss Amity


Sheila Lopez
4th Finalist Miss Teen Intercontinental
Miss Photogenic


Afranina Henriquez
2nd Finalist Miss Teen Intercontinental


Nilka Montalvo
Best National Costume

All participants:

1976 - Blanca De Mey [7th][Miss Amity]
1977 - Mariska Willems [SF]
1979 - Sheila Lopez [4th][Miss Photogenic]
1981 - Jovanka Croes Pieterz
1982 - Ximena Giel
1983 - Marjorie Marisa Flemming [4th]
1997 - Afranina Henriquez [2nd]
2002 - Nilka Montalvo [Best Costume]
2006 - Alicia de Bruyn

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Miss International Queen of Coffee Pageant


Alexandra Ochoa
4th Finalist Miss International Queen of Coffee

All participants:

1997 - Alexandra Ochoa Hincapié [4th]
1999 - Irina Tamara Croes
2000 - Morajma Diantaha Ratna Dake
2001 - Jasmira Merianda Mora García
2003 - Malayka Carolina Rasmijn
2004 - Falon Juliana López
2007 - Tracey Marion Jeniree Nicolaas
2008 - Nuraisa Carelys Lispier

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Miss Tourism Queen Pageant


Nabhilach Gianella Julieta Maria de Palm
Best National Costume

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Miss South America Pageant


Arnalda Lampe
Miss Congeniality

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Mister Intercontinental


Marcelino Roos
2nd Finalist Mister Intercontinental
Best National Costume

All participants:

1999 - Marcelino Roos [2nd][Best Costume]
2001 - Rigo Lampe
2002 - John Lake

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Junior Tromp
Best National Costume

All participants:

2001 - Bernardo Figaroa
2002 - Junior Tromp [Best Costume]

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Other Pageants

Mister World:

1996 - Anthony Andrew Martinez [SF]
2003 - Kevin Osmond Halley [SF]

Maya International Pageant:

1982 - Jenny Helen Thielman
2004 - Kimberly Zelanyha Batista
2005 - Gabriela Maria Martijn
2006 - Thisia Franken

Miss Ambar World:

1977 - Helene Maria Croes [SF]

Nuestra Belleza Pageant:

1994 - Ahyra Lozano
1995 - Taryn Sherylle Mansell
1996 - Arnalda Lampe
1997 - Xochimilka Woorts

Miss Tourism World:

2001 - Kendra Matthew [SF]
2003 - Daisy Loefstop [SF]

Miss University:

2003 - Vanessa Venghaus

Miss Tourism Queen:

2008 - Nabhilach Gianella Julieta Maria de Palm

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