Tuesday, March 18, 2025 skip to main content

Pole Sitting

polesittingAruba's most bizarre championship is once again around the corner:

Pole-sitting is the practice of sitting on a pole for extended lengths of time, generally used as a test of endurance. A small platform may be placed at the top of the pole.

Pole-sitting is related to the ancient ascetic discipline of Stylitism, or column-sitting.

For years Cafe the Plaza has been organizing this yearly event called "Paalzitten" (=Pole sitting) which lasts for 4 days. Attracting many visitors to either enjoy the activities or to cheer up the contestants.

The popular contest always draws a lot of spectators, who cannot believe that anyone would be crazy enough to go without sleep for more than eighty hours straight. And not only that, they also have to sit on a 2 meter-high pole, tied up with a safety belt in view of everyone.

The event is known for its ambiance and lot's of visitors, and don't forget about all the supporters present of the participants.

The participants (7 maximum) will sit down on a wooden pole paid by sponsors.

The pole-sitters has to find as much sponsors as possible to give them an amount per hour.

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