Happy World Animal Day from our little happy island of Aruba!
This day serves as a reminder that every single animal deserves our love, compassion, respect, and kindness. We as humans have the opportunity to help protect their lives and surrounding habitat, ensuring a safe and healthy future.
Whether you are able to volunteer at a local organization or park, adopt, donate, report a lost animal or stray in need, spay and neuter your pet or a stray, or educate those around you… any little bit of effort helps and can go a long way!
If you happen to be on the island or plan to visit soon, here are 6 must-visit places to celebrate the animals in Aruba:
Donkey Sanctuary

Location: Bringamosa 2-Z, Santa Cruz
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9 AM – 4 PM, Saturday & Sunday 10 AM – 3 PM (Opening Hours may have adjusted please contact the Donkey Sanctuary directly)
Entrance Fee: Free
PS: Did you know you can adopt a local donkey? After visiting the sanctuary, if you’ve fallen in love with one you can choose to adopt your favorite donkey by donating an annual fee to help the sanctuary provide the necessary food, medical treatment and the maintenance of the park. Contact the sanctuary to get more details.
Butterfly Farm

Location: Palm Beach, across from Divi Phoenix
Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (Opening Hours may adjust please contact the Butterfly Farm directly)
Entrance Fee: $19 for adults, $10 for kids and $16 for seniors and students. The admission fee includes a return pass which allows you to visit as often as you’d like for the duration of your vacation.
Ostrich Farm

Location: Matividiri 57, Paradera
Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday, Tours are scheduled every hour from 10 AM – 3 PM (Opening Hours may adjust please contact the Ostrich Farm directly)
Entrance Fee: $15 for adults, $8 for kids
Aruba’s National Park

Location: San Fuego 70
Opening Hours: The Main Entrance at San Fuego is open from Monday – Sunday, 8 AM – 4 PM (ticket sales at Visitor Center closes at 3:30 PM)
The Vader Piet Entrance (San Nicolas) is open from Monday – Sunday, 8:30 AM – 3 PM
Entrance Fee: $15 for adults, kids up to 17 yrs are free, ask about their Annual Passes
Philip’s Animal Garden

Location: Alto Vista 116, Noord
Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday, 9 AM – 6 PM, (Opening Hours may adjust please contact Philip’s Animal Garden directly)
Entrance Fee: $10 for adults, $5 for kids (2 – 13 years), free for 2 years and younger
Aruba Animal Shelter and Animal Rescue Organizations

Location: Wayaca 128-B
Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday, 9 AM – 12 PM (Opening Hours may adjust please contact the shelter directly)
Entrance Fee: Free! It will only cost you some very cute snuggles during your visiting time.
Additional: Check one of the many non-profit animal organizations on the island, as they hold many events (such as adoption days, farmer’s markets, garage sales, beach dog walks, etc.) and volunteer opportunities so that you can snuggle and pet as many of Aruba’s furry friends as possible!
One of the most needed and valuable ways of contributing to a better life for the dogs and cats in Aruba is to offer yourself as a flight volunteer. If you are not able to adopt a dog or cat in need yourself, you can always assist in bringing one to their new home (such as in the US or Europe) as your travel back home from your Aruba vacation. If you are interested, simply contact Aruba Flight Volunteers or one of the many organizations below, and they will be happy to provide you with more details and arrange the entire travel of the adopted pet. Oh, and it will cost you nothing, yet the reward of giving this furball a new life filled with love and good health will be oh-so-very satisfying!
Here is a list of the different animal organizations on the island for you to contact or visit:
Animal Rights Aruba (ARA) – http://www.animalrightsaruba.org
Sgt Pepper’s Friends – https://www.sgtpeppersfriends.com
Animal Relief Foundation Aruba (ARF) – http://arf-aruba.com
Nine Lives Aruba Foundation – https://ninelivesaruba.com
Luna Foundation – https://www.luna-aruba.com
United Dogs Aruba Foundation – http://www.uniteddogsaruba.com
New Life for Paws – https://www.newlifeforpaws.org
Crijojo Trappers Aruba – https://www.facebook.com/crijojotrappersaruba/
PS – We could never leave out Aruba’s marine life!

Did you know that Turtugaruba Foundation works tirelessly for the conservation of sea turtles and their habitat in the Wider Caribbean, especially on and around Aruba? Turtugaruba is a proud member of the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST). Want to donate or learn more about the sea turtles nesting on the beaches of Aruba? Contact Turtugaruba Foundation. And, for more information on Aruba’s reefs, other marine life, and beach cleanups contact the Aruba Reef Care Foundation.
Additional ways to help protect Aruba’s wildlife:
When visiting and exploring Aruba, please always be mindful of the island’s nature and your surroundings. Particularly our island’s protected areas, such as the sand dunes by the California Lighthouse, Aruba’s National Park and the Spaans Lagoen. Be part of the solution by always driving on marked paths and roads to avoid destroying flora and fauna, never under any circumstance veer onto sand and dirt rubble areas. You may not see any wildlife present, but please know our island’s animals and critters are all around, they are not easily spotted with the naked eye!
In addition, if you come across any nests or sightings of certain wildlife in unusual locations please contact the Aruba National Park Foundation or the Aruba Birdlife Conservation.
View more information on things to do in Aruba.
*Article last updated October 2023