Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino

5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches

Floating in the Caribbean blue sea while sipping on a refreshing beverage sounds like a bucket list MUST DO, doesn’t it? Now add Aruba to that equation. Swoon! Discover 5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches to have an extra zen-full time while you soak up some sunshine and seize the day. These, usually, calm and collected waters (you know Mother … Continue reading “5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches”

Photo by Divi & Tamarijn Aruba All Inclusives

The Best Photos of Aruba by Social Media Influencers & Travelers in 2018

They seem to be taking over… yes,  they are everywhere. It is evident they have become a thing, a big thing. They are responsible for those day dream dazes you find yourself in from time to time while sitting behind your desk at work. They will take you to fantasy land and before you know … Continue reading “The Best Photos of Aruba by Social Media Influencers & Travelers in 2018”