The colorful whirlwind known as Carnival has passed us by in a blink of an eye, yes… Aruba’s favorite time of year has sadly come to an end! Carnival came and conquered. Leaving all of Aruba in dire need of a week-long siesta (well, for some us at least). If you unfortunately did not catch … Continue reading “A Glimpse of Aruba’s Carnival 65!”
Authentic Aruba: One Artistic Island
“The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds.” ~ Jawaharlal Nehru Aruba has always been a land dedicated to bold, bright, passionate, artistic expression. It’s such a beautiful place that inspiration can, literally, be found everywhere. From the brightly colored buildings that line the main street downtown, to the indescribable colors that … Continue reading “Authentic Aruba: One Artistic Island”
Local Spotlight (Carnival Edition): Sergio Silvia
Sergio Silva was born during Carnival season 43 years ago. That fact might explain why he’s got music pulsing in his veins and pounding in his heart. Sergio has lived his entire life in front of a backdrop of music. Sergio laughs when he recalls how frustrated his parents used to be his inability to … Continue reading “Local Spotlight (Carnival Edition): Sergio Silvia”
Authentic Aruba: Carnival
In the book ‘Carnival in Aruba: History and Meaning in Aruba’s Bacchanal’, Victoria M. Razak describes Carnival as a way to ‘suspend the rules of everyday life with a mask and a costume’. She goes on to describe the phenomenon of Carnival as ‘a time out of time’ when people can indulge in behavior that is ordinarily … Continue reading “Authentic Aruba: Carnival”
A Glimpse of Aruba’s Carnival 64!
Were you sadly not in Aruba to take part in the island’s most COLORFUL, GRAND AFFAIR of the year? Or perhaps you were lucky enough to partake in the festivities yet are already going through Carnival withdrawal? That’s okay! Just remember, there’s always next year! In the meantime to help bring you those infectious, happy … Continue reading “A Glimpse of Aruba’s Carnival 64!”
Discover Carnival in Aruba
With Carnival already well under way our team at VisitAruba feels it is the perfect time to share a little Aruba Carnival 101 knowledge, for those of you who have not yet experienced this colorful, grand affair. Carnival on Aruba is not just a one day, one week or even one month event. During January, … Continue reading “Discover Carnival in Aruba”