Photo by L.G. Smith's Steak and Chop House

Amor Aruba: 12 Love-related Words in Papiamento

Join this love story where we journey through 12 love-related words and phrases in Papiamento; Aruba’s mother language, and the island’s second official language. Now let’s get started! 1. Vitamina pa Wowo Vitamina pa wowo – Translated as ‘eye candy‘. Usually used when commenting on an attractive person, or group of people. The direct translation … Continue reading “Amor Aruba: 12 Love-related Words in Papiamento”

Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino

5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches

Floating in the Caribbean blue sea while sipping on a refreshing beverage sounds like a bucket list MUST DO, doesn’t it? Now add Aruba to that equation. Swoon! Discover 5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches to have an extra zen-full time while you soak up some sunshine and seize the day. These, usually, calm and collected waters (you know Mother … Continue reading “5 Float-worthy Aruba Beaches”

Photo courtesy of Divi & Tamarijn Aruba All Inclusives

Discover the Holiday Magic in Aruba!

Marvel at all of the Bright, Twinkling Christmas Lights Roundabouts (if you’ve been to Aruba then you know there are a lot), houses, downtown streets and buildings, street lamps, palm trees, resorts… and let’s not forget the famous ‘Cas di Luz’ (house of lights) – Yes, you will find Christmas lights and decorations surrounding you … Continue reading “Discover the Holiday Magic in Aruba!”