While we realize the current worldwide situation has been anything but easy, we would like to ask you to join us, by taking a moment to look at all of the good that still surrounds us! Yes, there is always a bright and sunny side to life… sometimes you just need to squint to see it!
As a devoted Aruba lover, you may find yourself feeling frustrated or sad due to having to postpone or even cancel this year’s trip to Aruba. Trust me, we empathize with you entirely… as you know, we greatly rely on the tourism industry and putting a smile on all of our visitor’s faces day in and day out! With this being said, our team from VisitAruba and the entire island cannot wait to welcome you back!
This may be a challenging time for us all, but while the world is on “pause”, there is a huge and beautiful renovation project underway in Aruba! Therefore, we thought it would only be right to inform you of all the different renovations currently taking place. Improvements, enhancements and restorations are being made island-wide, all the way from Baby Beach, to Arikok National Park and up to the California Lighthouse!
The island is working on its natural beauty, making operational improvements and preparing for a safe & healthy environment for our visitors’ return!
Take a look at the current projects and transformations taking place:
Did you know, as of late, our beaches have reached over a million visitors each year?! That’s a LOT of people and unfortunately not all people only leave their footprints behind (sad face). With so many consistent visitors on a yearly, monthly and daily basis, Aruba’s beaches have been affected in numerous ways. Just think about all the trash left behind (whether intentional or unintentional), sunscreen and motor oils polluting the sea & coral, and all of the unnatural interruptions our marine life is forced to face.
With this being said, our sand and sea could use a much needed little break right now! Our team has visited many of our island’s beaches during this down-time, and let me tell you they are looking more pristine than ever and are really taking this time to restore their natural beauty!
Until you can come see them for yourself, we will be bringing you an up-close look at the white sandy beaches and clear turquoise water that you miss so much!

Sea Turtles are nesting more than ever, Shocos are able to burrow peacefully and safely in their nests, coral is flourishing under the sea, there have been many local bird sightings across the island, the fish are communicating without disruptions, yes, the list goes on!
Check out our island’s beautiful and diverse wildlife here, we will be sharing more with you soon!

Since the people of Aruba have had to abide by certain restrictions, regulations and quarantine, there has been a significant drop in traffic on the roads, less smog in the air, less trash found on the side of the road and on the beaches, allowing for nature to truly flourish! Our island’s beautiful and diverse flora and terrain is finally getting the preservation it deserves.
We will be taking you along on our upcoming hike and sharing an up-close look at all of the beautiful vegetation and flora we come across, so make sure you stay tuned!
Hotels & Resorts

While our visitors are not back on the island (just yet) many of our resorts are taking this time to perform certain projects in preparation. Resorts are performing deep cleanings across the property, holding staff trainings and taking certain precautionary measures to prepare for their soon-to-be guests!
Keep an eye on our News where we will be sharing some of these preparations and new standards in more detail!

Local restaurants are working extremely hard during these challenging times and many have had to make some big adjustments, including adding takeout and/or delivery to their dining services! Check out an extensive list of restaurants that offer these services for your convenience here.
In addition, many restaurants are taking it upon themselves to prepare for the day when they can welcome back all of their guests and die hard foodies for in-house dining (you know like the “good ole’ days”). Stay tuned to see what measures and precautions are being taken to ensure a safe and healthy dining environment!

Feeling antsy to travel to Aruba? Keep an eye on our News , specifically our regularly updated article for the latest official announcements (as per the local Aruba Government) regarding travel requirements, protocols, and the local Covid-19 situation. You can also check Aruba Airport’s Facebook page for any airline and flight announcements!
PS – This is just a quick glance at all that is currently taking place during the island’s renovation period, we will be providing you with more details and an up-close look at the progress soon!