Did I scare you?
Didn’t think so.
However, does the thought of being costume-less on the One Happy Island for Halloween weekend frighten you?
Have no fear for the last-minute-Halloween-look-expert is here!
Below you’ll find a compilation of fun and festive, Aruba-related looks that you could easily put together to be ready to rumble after your sunset-by-the-beach session.

Be a Cactus!
Needless to say Aruba is surrounded by cacti, so you will fit right in! Make the look happen for you by dressing up an all green outfit with some decorative flowers, and/or spikes. You can make your own cactus spikes by acquiring black-colored paper and cutting the shapes, or getting white colored thread(make sure its thick though!) then pinning, or sticking, them sporadically around your clothing. You can even play around with costume make-up. Check out the picture above for cacti costume inspo.

Deviled Eggs (or as the Arubans call them “Webo Yena”)
When you think about snacks what are the first things to pop up in your mind? Chips, cookies, peanuts? Well if you ask an Aruban about snacks you won’t hear them mention any of those first. Don’t get me wrong, the people of Aruba L O V E snacks too, but their version of snacks include: webo yena, pastechis, and cheeseballs, just to name a few of the typical Aruban hors d’oeuvres.

Be a deviled egg this Halloween by pairing a plain white tee with devil horns and tail, and adding a big yellow circle in the center of your shirt. Want to have more fun with your look? When people ask you what you are just say: WEBO YENA (pronounced: Weh-Bow Yeah-Nah)!

Tourist, or “Turista” as the Arubans like to call our lovely visitors…
Be you, but EXTRA! – Be a cheesy version of the ultimate turista. All you need is a Hawaiian shirt, a pair of sunglasses or a sunhat, and a lei and/or sunscreen for the finishing touches. A simple look, but that will certainly get some laughs here and there due to the irony of a tourist dressing up as a turista.
P.S. the sunscreen suggestion is for you to apply the lotion to your nose leaving that trademark tourist’s nose-protected-from-the-sun-no-matter-what look.

It’s Taco Time!
Whether you are going to be a spicy taco, or a Baja blend taco for the night is entirely up to you 😉 Why a taco though? First of all, why not dress up as a taco? Secondly, one of the locals’ favorite spots to get some cheesy late-night munchies is El Mexicano Aruba food truck! So, what better way to impress the food truck chefs this weekend, then by ordering a burrito while you are dressed as a taco?
To turn your taco dreams into reality, pair an all brown outfit (think of a dress or skirt and top combo for the females, and brown pants and shirt for the males) with a yellow throw or scarf, add your taco toppings (of which can be made out of colored paper cutouts or fabric) on the front side of your outfit.

Mermaids and Pirates
What is fabulous, seaweed-free, yet still swims gracefully in the sea? A mermaid of course! Pairing a green maxi skirt with a plain black crop top, just like the example below by SilkFred, can be your starting point for your mystical interpretation of Ariel. Adding some spooktacular makeup (like the one above) will definitely make you ready-for-action when it comes to snapping pictures at the graveyard gathering.

Also something to think about is which side will you be representing this Halloween: Good or Evil? Allure brings forward the question that all future mermaids need to ask themselves prior to creating their Halloween costume:
“Are you more of an Ariel or an Ursula? Just like witches (their terrestrial counterpart), mermaids can be both good or evil, so get creative as you’re cultivating your aquatic personality.”

Want to do couples costumes -your partner is a man who by no means is going to be a merman- but you still want to be a princess of the sea? Yo ho ho, no problems here though. How about suggesting your man to be a pirate for the visit to the haunted house? All he would need is an over-sized white puffy shirt, some black pants, an eye patch (one can be drawn with makeup), a pirate hat or a bandanna, and a couple of pirate phrases. That way he can walk the walk, AND talk the talk!
The Aruban Flag
(You’ll definitely WOW the locals with this costume…)
Last, but not least is the Aruban Flag costume! This look is simple to put together (which makes it perfect for last-minute costumes), and yet will be a conversation piece while you go barhopping with your One Happy Island friends. The locals will love it, and so will your fellow Aruba lovers too!

This blue-pants-and-white-shirt combo outfit presented by is a great example of the basic look to start off your male version of the Aruban Flag themed costume. Just add a red 4-pointed star cutout by pinning it to the front side of the white shirt, and wear bright yellow cardboard cutout bracelets to add the flag’s yellow stripes to your look.

For the female twist on the Aruban Flag costume you could switch up the pants for a blue skirt. Mini, midi, or maxi, depends on your style preference. Keep it more casual with cotton, or dress up your outfit with some chiffon.
Whatever you choose to dress up as for your weekend of fun-OUT-of-the-sun, be sure to pair it with a smile ;-).
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