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Following is a list of Kindergartens, Primary Schools, High Schools, Special Education and Specialized Education together with the addresses and phone numbers.

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Types of School


Agnes Kleuterschool

Montanja 16
Phone +297 587 0761

Anglo Kleuterschool

Madiki z/n
Phone +297 582 7447

Arubanita Kleuterschool

Weg Kustbatterij 7A
Phone +297 584 6125

Ayo Kleuterschool

Ayo 26A
Phone +297 585 5322

Cayena Kleuterschool

Noord 6A
Phone +297 587 5571

Fontein Kleuterschool

Weg Fontein z/n
Phone +297 584 7749

Graf V. Zinzendorf Kleuterschool

Bernhardstraat 263
Phone +297 584 0689

Imelda Kleuterschool

De La Sallestraat z/n
Phone +297 582 2446

International School of Aruba

Wayaca 238 A
Oranjestad, Aruba
Phone +297 583 5040
Fax +297 583 6020

Jacinta Kleuterschool

Patiastraat 19
Phone +297 583 1218

Kukwisa Kleuterschool

Spaans Lagoenweg 63
Phone +297 584 7613

Mon Plaisir Kleuterschool

Schreuderstraat 1
Phone +297 583 6110

Prome Paso Kleuterschool

Savaneta 338A
Phone +297 584 7252

Rayo di Solo Kleuterschool

Caya Dick Cooper 2A
Phone +297 584 5995

Scol Preparatorio Aurora

Tanki Leendert z/n
Phone +297 587 7123

Scol Preparatorio Cacique Aterima

Macuarima z/n
Phone +297 585 3375

Scol Preparatorio Nos Paraiso

Paradera z/n
Phone +297 582 5668

St. Jan Kleuterschool

Kadushi Largo 7
Phone +297 585 0637

Tarcisius Kleuterschool

Brazil 39A
Phone +297 584 1472

Trupiaal Kleuterschool

Santa Cruz z/n
Phone +297 585 2250

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Primary School

Aruba Adventist Academy

Anglostraat 2
Phone +297 584 1202 / +297 584 5522


Cacique Macuarima School

Macuarima z/n
Phone +297 585 8037

Caiquetios School

Noord Cura Cabai z/n
Phone +297 584 7525

Colegio Bon Bini

Apollostraat 1-3
Phone +297 582 3879

Colegio Conrado Coronel

De La Sallestraat z/n
Phone +297 583 5558

Colegio Cristo Rey

Brazil z/n
Phone +297 584 7386

Colegio Felipe B. Tromp

Montanja 16
Phone +297 587 2635


Colegio Frere Bonifacius

Indianenweg z/n
Phone +297 583 7128

Colegio Hilario Angela

Weg Fontein z/n
Phone +297 584 5707

Colegio Laura Wernet-Paskel

Kadushi Largo 7
Phone +297 585 8089

Colegio Ora Ubao

Tanki Leendert 187
Phone +297 587 7143

Colegio Pastoor Kranwinkel

Paradera z/n
Phone +297 582 1437

Colegio Sagrado Curazon

Savaneta z/n
Phone +297 584 0344 / 584 7388

Colegio San Antonio

Santa Cruz z/n
Phone +297 585 8021


Colegio San Hose

Santa Cruz z/n
Phone +297 585 8125

Colegio Santa Filomena

Weg Seroe Preto 2
Phone +297 584 5802

Colegio Santa Teresita

St. Theresiaplein z/n
Phone +297 584 5945

Comm. Bay Academy of Aruba

Savaneta 398
Phone +297 567 3692 


Comm. Gen. A. de Veer School

Amalia van Solmsstraat z/n
Phone +297 584 0970 / 584 5339

Comm. Pieter Boer School

Trinitariastraat z/n
Phone +297 584 5033 / 584 7817

Fatima College

Patiastraat z/n
Phone +297 582 2037

Graf V. Zinzendorf School

Bernhardstraat 259
Phone +297 584 5551 / 584 0689

International School of Aruba

Wayaca 238 A
Oranjestad, Aruba
Phone +297 583 5040
Fax +297 583 6020

Maria Goretti College

Paradera z/n
Phone +297 582 2533

Maria Regina School

Weg Kustbatterij z/n
Phone +297 584 5420

Maria School

Santa Cruz z/n
Phone +297 585 8344 / 585 9324

Mon Plaisir Basisschool

Schreuderstraat 1
Phone +297 582 1748 / 588 3590

Kukwisa School

Pos Chiquito 36B
Phone +297 585 7377

Pius X School

Patiastraat z/n
Phone +297 582 1692

Reina Beatrix School

G. Madurostraat z/n
Phone +297 582 1982

Sint Aloysius School

Noord z/n
Phone +297 587 2364

Sint Dominicus College

Irausquinplein 6
Phone +297 582 2651

Sint Michael School

Brazil z/n
Phone +297 584 7361

St. Anna School

Noord 12
Phone +297 587 3138 / 587 3112

St. Augustinus College

Pastoor Hendrikstraat 61
Phone +297 584 5219

St. Franciscus College

Apollostraat 1
Phone +297 582 2331

St. Paulus School

Jim Blue Jacketstraat 2
Phone +297 584 5089

St. Rosa College

Dominicanessenstraat 3
Phone +297 582 1239

Stichting Basis Onderwijs Combina - De Schakel

Boegoeroei 7B
Phone +297 587 1583 / 587 1584

Rosario College

Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 5
Phone +297 582 1428

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High school

Aruba Adventist Academy

Anglostraat 2
Phone +297 584 1202 / +297 584 5522


Colegio EPI Sector Servicio & Salubridad

Uruguaystraat z/n
Phone +297 582 2653

Colegio Arubano

Vondellaan 14
Phone +297 582 2005

Comm. Bay Academy of Aruba

Savaneta 398
Phone +297 567 3692 

E.P.B. Oranjestad

Pitastraat z/n
Phone +297 582 9792 / 582 9789

E.P.B. San Nicolaas

Caya Jose Geerman z/n
Phone +297 584 5215 / 584 4477
Zwollestraat z/n
Phone +297 584 5801
Santa Cruz z/n
Phone +297 585 8023

Colegio EPI Sector Economico

Van Leeuwenhoekstraat Z/N
Phone +297 582 3567 / 582 3569

Colegio EPI Sector Horeca

L.G. Smith Boulevard 35
Phone +297 582 6783

Colegio EPI Sector Tecnico

Seroe Blanco z/n
Phone +297 582 2943 / 583 8830

Filomena College Mavo

Weg Seroe Preto 4
Phone +297 584 5156

International School of Aruba

Wayaca 238 A
Oranjestad, Aruba
Phone +297 583 5040
Fax +297 583 6020

John Wesley College

Mgr. Verrietstraat 9
Phone +297 584 5612

Juliana School

G. Madurostraat 1
Phone +297 582 1459 / 583 9758

La Salle College

De La Sallestraat 2
Phone +297 582 1154

Maria College Mavo

Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 5
Phone +297 582 1590

Mon Plaisir College Mavo

Schreuderstraat 1
Tel. (297) 5822839

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University of Aruba

Juancho Irausquinplein 4
Tel. (297) 582 3901


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Special Education


Shakespearestraat z/n
Phone +297 582 2377

F.E.P.O. School voor Slechthorenden

Shakespearestraat z/n
Phone +297 583 7011

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Specialized Education


I. Wagemakerstraat 11
Phone +297 584 3100 / 584 3943

International School of Aruba

Wayaca 238 A
Oranjestad, Aruba

Phone +297 583 5040
Fax +297 583 6020


Politie Opleidingsschool

Fortheuvelstraat 25
Phone +297 584 8282 / 584 5873

Universidad di Aruba

Dr. Schaepmanstraat z/n
Phone +297 584 5287

Universiteit van Aruba

Irausquinplein 4
Phone +297 582 3901 / 583 5036

Openbare Avondleergangen Aruba

Pitastraat z/n
Phone +297 582 7324 / 588 0150

Stichting Avond Onderwijs

Shakespearestraat 17
Phone +297 583 8720

Profar's Education Institute

Phone +297 582 7920
Phone +297 583 0489 / 582 1646

Enseñansa pa Empleo

Tarabana 8A
Phone +297 582 5662

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