Invitation Art Exhibition Grace Ashruf  - Global Warming.jpg

Local Artist Grace Ashruf with Art for Global Change to Liftoff in New York

It is time to welcome an aspiring name, to the artistic dominions of New York City! ArtExpo New York 2016 is Grace Ashruf’s first opportunity to have a solo art exhibition in the United States.  You are welcome to visit and embrace the amazing artwork collection ‘Global Warming’ of Ashruf at SOLO booth number S-121, named  ‘Grace Ashruf – Aruba ‘, at the ArtExpo New York 2016, located at Pier 94 in New York City, between 14 and 17April 2016.

Going beyond conventional horizons, to raise awareness of effects of climate change, Grace Ashruf is an artist, whose passion and admiration for the exotic natural landscapes, has driven her to create art that delivers a stirring message. Born and raised in Suriname, Ashruf has spent her professional career traveling many coasts of the Caribbean— vistas which are the subject of her “Global Warming” series. Ashruf’s current series illustrates her memories of what she cherishes most from her travels. These same attributes of a beautiful environment are in danger, and must be preserved.

Climate awareness is a subject that’s accepted, preached and endorsed by the top scientific minds of the world, yet there is still a massive gulf between this collective knowledge and actions by the people who can actually make a difference. Ashruf hopes to spark emotion and love for the environment with her work, speaking through art as a medium. Her “Global Warming” series transcends national borders and language barriers.

Ashruf wishes to show the world what she loves so much, and urges others to share in her efforts. Through the 20 impressive pieces of art, which are colorful, insightful, and elegant compositions, aimed at delivering a peaceful aurora, the “Global Warming” art collection will visually elaborate the values of carbon-monoxide levels and pollution in the world; a major and much ignored threat to our beautiful planet.

Ashruf stated; “My desire is to spark a drive in the minds of people who view my work, if even one person joins my cause, my efforts will be worth it.”

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