
Side Bar restaurant opened its doors at the Renaissance Marketplace in Aruba

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

Side Bar is the newest restaurant on Aruba, and oh boy, it is a beauty! Unique in a trendy, sassy and sexy way, it is ready to welcome all of you. Common ground and denominating factor of the guests includes the enjoyment of life, in particular the good things, such as great bistro food, wonderful drinks and a relaxed, happy atmosphere. Side Bar is the name of a stylish, hip restaurant on the side of the Renaissance Marketplace;  just hop inside, sit at the bar or on the amazing porch and enjoy – the party at Side Bar starts at 8 am and goes on until midnight.

What’s so special about Side Bar, you might ask? Well, for starters, the restaurant menu offers a great variety. Breakfast will wake you up, lunch will make you sparkle with its specials. By the time dinner comes along you will be ready for an extraordinary appetizer, a superb wrap, a spectacular gourmet burger, a freshly caught local fish, a great salad or a tender steak. The menu covers all the bases as well as the outfield, with the stress on quality. Side Bar’s chef is a miracle working in the creativity department, so you can always ask him to surprise you with his specials. Please note the unusual presentation of the dishes you ordered: the wizard is at work.

There are no best times to come to Side Bar, but you might like to consider meeting your friends for coffee here, as parking spaces are plentiful. Or meet here for business meetings, as the restaurant is centrally located. It is also a wonderful place to sink into a booth inside after a hard afternoon of sunbathing, swimming or shopping. Of course it is always time for an ice cold beer or cocktail somewhere in the world, so take the opportunity and grab it whenever you can. Nobody will care and what happens in Side Bar, stays in Side Bar…

When it comes to drinks, we might warn you: once you try the various Bourbons or Bourbon cocktails, you will be lost. This is another world, unknown on Aruba, where your taste buds will be partying and the lingering aftertaste of a premium Bourbon will be a cherished memory for a long time to come. Side Bar is specialized in Bourbons, so expect a wall filled with the best brands from Kentucky. Next to that wall will be an intriguing line-up of wooden barrels with pre-mixed, aged Bourbon cocktails; the bartender can tap your favorite cocktail from the barrel! Imagine your Mint Julep (hello, Gone with the Wind), your Manhattan or Kentucky Derby on tap! And talking about that: there will be five beers on tap as well, among them Heineken, Balashi, Chill, Stella Artois and Miller.  Nobody will leave this bar thirsty.

At Side Bar you can sit in a booth, on a lounge chair, on a bar stool or stand at a cocktail table. Side Bar is all about options, so go and check it out on the far end corner of the Renaissance Marketplace, across from the Ocean Suites hotel entrance; the bistro might not be the first thing you see when driving around at the Marketplace, but this hidden treasure will certainly leave an impact. Enjoy this new, hot, exciting and very, very tasty restaurant to the fullest!