
The Stellaris Casino at Aruba Marriott Resort introduces the latest technology in slot machines, the Sphinx 3D

Stellaris Casino as the biggest casino on the island recently launched the latest in technology in slot machines. Stellaris Casino is proud to be the first casino in the Latin America region to have launched the Sphinx 3D machines. This took place during a grand event where Stellaris Casino offered the first 50 people the opportunity to experience these new machines.

The Sphinx 3D are the most innovative and sophisticated machines. These machines take the player to an Egyptian destination where the player feels immersed in a world of the sphinx, pharaohs, and golden treasures. The Sphinx 3D machines use the latest in technology to create a true 3D gaming experience, where the player doesn’t even need 3D glasses the see the effects. The player will see every 3D animation close in front of them, and even the seat vibrates, making this a very realistic experience.

On this special night, the Sphinx 3D area was converted to an Egyptian landscape where the players could enter the temple of luck and meet the “Egyptian Girl”. The players received different gifts, and they also had the opportunity to take pictures with the “Egyptian Girl” and her “Egyptian slaves”.

Stellaris Casino wants to invite you to come and have your first Sphinx 3D experience. For more information and pictures of this event, please visit Stellaris Casino’s Facebook page