Expanded pre-clearenace for InselAir passengers flying from Aruba to Miami

Expanded pre-clearenace for InselAir passengers flying from Aruba to Miami

By the Caribbean Journal staff

InselAir has announced expanded pre-clearance for passengers traveling from or through Aruba to Miami.

The carrier had been providing the service four days of the week, but the company has now received approval to do so for all weekdays effective immediately.

Pre-clearance means customers pre-clear in Aruba then can forego customs and immigration in Miami, as if they were arriving on a domestic flight.

“This service will not only increase the travel comfort of our passengers,” said Fredrick Nuboer, CEO of InselAir Aruba. “But will also positively impact the experience at the airport for the thousands of passengers that InselAir transports monthly via its hub on Aruba.”

Insel operates daily flights from Aruba to Miami.