Aruba's biggest sporting event ended and the winners of 2014 are known

Aruba’s biggest sporting event ended and the winners of 2014 are known

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

Fabulous Biglmaier/Ponti and Calbucci/Garavini win the 2014 Divi Aruba Beach Tennis Open

Ladies Maraike Biglmaier (9) and Camilla Ponti (13) and Alessandro Calbucci and Marco Garavini are the winners of the 2014 Divi Aruba Beach Tennis Open. More than 2000 spectators oohed and aahed in the Amstel Bright Stadium during the incredible rallies of both close finals. “This is insane!’’ yelled the commentator as the crowd roared its approval during exceptional points. The Ladies and Men’s finals marked the last day of a 5-day tournament that made Eagle Beach tremble: with 1100 participants from 25 countries it was the biggest and best beach tennis event ever.

The ladies final was tremendous: Maraike Biglmaier from Germany and her partner Camilla Ponti from Italy had their hands full with singles winner Pauline Bourdet (France) and Pilar Escandell from Spain. The score was 7-6/6-4; the wonderful match preceded the all-Italian Men’s final between Alessandro Calbucci/Marco Garavini and Matteo Marighella and Michele Capeletti, all top 10 professional players. Calbucci/Garavini took the first set 6-3 and proceeded to stay ahead of Marighella/Capeletti until the end. The out-of-this-world smashes of all four players had the crowd in extasy.

The Aruba beach tennis tournament offered the largest prize money: the ladies as well as the men went home with $ 4,500 for the winners and $ 2,700 for the runners-up.