The annual pole sitting event kicks off on May 9th

The annual pole sitting event kicks off on May 9th

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

The annual Aruban Pole sitting Championships, always four fun-filled days and nights with a charity attached, are coming up. From May 9-12 there will be up to six pole sitters, who are going to try and break the record that stands at 87.45 hours. Imagine, all that time without sleep, sitting on a pole with only 5 minutes per hour to stretch one’s legs!

The 2013 charity that has been chosen is the newly founded Trampolin pa Trabao, a foundation that promotes creativity and integration in the work place of the mentally challenged. Caterings, a small restaurant and a work shop are in place to get everyone up to speed and ready to start working. It is a great charity, powered by Sonrisa, so please come and support the pole sitters and their good cause.

The Pole sitting Championships kick off on Thursday, May 9th, at 7 am.

The record, now standing at 87.45 hours, will be broken at 88 hours. Killer sitter Liesbeth Cornes is one of the feared competitors – she will be getting a lot of support from her fellow-sitters, among whom Raymond Kempen and Henk de Visser. VIP polesitters will be Andin Bikker, Frans de Rooij (Bingo), Lucia White, 080’s Jaap and Old Dutch’ John Bos, who donate their time and energy to support the Trampolin pa Trabao foundation. Live music, live radio and live streaming plus a lot of games and fun happenings will keep the sitters awake and alert. Your frequent visits to Café the Plaza in the Renaissance Marketplace during the Pole sitting Championships will help the pole sitters, who can use every bit of distraction that you may be able to provide.