
The ninth annual Donkey Walk in Aruba a total success

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

The ninth annual Donkey Walk of the Donkey Sanctuary was a great success. The number of participants had doubled and hundreds of people walked the 6.6 km route last Saturday afternoon. One participant caught the eye: Randy Gomez ran the entire length of the `caminata’ behind the stroller with his 6-month old son Atiba in it. Atiba clearly loved the action, the atmosphere and the beauty of the surroundings – he was all smiles. The other participants enjoyed themselves as well: the weather was perfect and the setting sun made the countryside extra gorgeous.

Donkey Thistle was supposed to walk along, but unfortunately he had to cancel at the last moment due to a number of roaming dogs. He enjoyed himself anyway and he doubled as the welcoming committee at the finish, where watermelon and oranges from Super Food supermarket revived everyone.

As the current Donkey Sanctuary at St. Lucia is becoming too cramped for the many inhabitants, a new sanctuary has been found and construction has begun. However, a lot of money is needed, so the proceeds of the caminata were very welcome: the donkeys are AWG. 2.000,– closer to their new home.

Back to Ayo, the starting place and finish of the walk, where the following overheard comment made the organizers smile: “What a pity that we have to wait another year for the next Donkey Walk!” Next year will be the Donkey Walk’s tenth anniversary, so everybody, get in shape and come and walk along in 2015!