The Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa honors World Down Syndrome Day with a walkathon

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

Palm Beach – More than 60 colleagues of the Radisson Aruba Resort Casino & Spa joined the Walkathon for “Dia Mundial di Down Syndrome”, on Friday, a day marking the ninth annual World Down Syndrome Day, and the third since it became officially recognized by the U.N.

Dressed in their black-colored “Yes, I Can” t-shirts, the Radisson colleagues walked with a spring in their step in honor of the occasion, from Fishermen’s Huts to Arashi and back. The day also had a serious side, as organizers used the time to remind everyone that Down syndrome does not make a person unhealthy, and that people with genetic conditions have the same right to joy, play and exercise besides health care and education, as others. The day, local organizers report, creates a global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well-being of people with Down syndrome.

We’re happy to get behind any cause our staffers believe in, says General Manager Mark Frances, we join as a family, and a team for the walkathon cheering kids with Down syndrome on, and paying the contribution fee for every colleague participating, in appreciation of their involvement. The group was organized by the executive assistant manager Lourdes Geerman, enjoying the assistance of all resort departments.