
Aruba’s Olympic Committee introduces Zymion Loopstok & Angelo Rodriguez: Aruba’s weight lifting & taekwondo athletes at the South American Youth games

Courtesy of: The Morning News

For the first time in history the South American Youth games will be organized with the city of Lima Peru being the host of this magna athletic event. Athletes from every South American continent in the age bracket up to 18 years will come together to compete in different areas of sports. Athletes from Aruba will compete in 9 different sport areas. Aruba’s Olympic Committee hereby introduces our athletes who will be representing Aruba at this 2013 South American Youth Games.
Aruba athlete for weight lifting is Zymion Loopstok:

COA: Why have you chosen weightlifting as a sport?
ZL: I have been training for two years.  I began weightlifting because of my brother who practiced this sport. He gave me an interest in the sport.

COA: Tell us about your preparation for the South American Youth Games.
ZL: I competed in Puerto Rico and immediately upon my return I began training seriously every day. I train about five times a week for three hours. I will be competing in the 56Kilogram category.

COA: Do you have international experience and any special accomplishments?
ZL: I competed in Puerto Rico and in Peru were I won two bronze medals and one gold medal. Locally, I have won several medals, and I am first in my category.

COA: The expectations of the South American Youth Games are high. What can we expect from you, Zymion?
ZL: I will do my utmost best. I hope to bring home a medal for Aruba again.

COA: Do you have a message for our youth?
ZL: Do some sport, it is good for you. You can travel, it will teach you discipline and will keep you off the streets.

Another athlete to represent Aruba at the 2013 South American Youth Games is taekwondo athlete, Angelo Rodriguez. COA also interviewed Rodriguez.  Here’s an excerpt of that interview:

COA: Why did you choose taekwondo as your sport?
AR: From the time I was small I have been practicing the sport of taekwondo. Ever since I was 5 or 6 years old. My entire family is in the taekwondo sport.

COA: How have you prepared yourself for the South American Youth Games?
AR: I am training very hard every day, mornings and again in the afternoon. In the vacation time I went to a training camp in Mexico and there I trained 4 times a day.

COA: Expectations are very high for the Games. What can we expect from Angelo Rodriguez?
AR: I want to win in my category in Peru. I will be fighting in the 54kg weight category.

COA: What is your dream in your sports career?
AR: I want to become a maximum champion of Aruba, also a world champion.

COAL What message do you have for our youth?
AR: Stay far away from evil. Do a sport, come and try taekwondo it will teach you discipline and respect.