Oxford Business Group just asked, “How can the tourism industry achieve net zero?” The answer, it reveals, is to follow such trailblazers as Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba.
“Various resorts and hotels have already taken significant steps towards decarbonization. In 2018 the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort in Aruba became the first resort in the Caribbean – and one of the first in the world – to go carbon neutral. Other resorts have followed suit,” the Oxford Business Group reports.
As the world ramps up answering the need to combat climate change, Oxford Business Group’s January 27, 2022, coverage reports on the travel sector’s actions, plans, and those leading the way including Bucuti & Tara.
The article has quickly gained traction appearing on other media sites and social media. Top search engine and news site Yahoo features it on its North American-based main page, which attracts more than 251 million visitors each day. It’s also trending on Australian Yahoo Finance, in Energia Oltre (Energy Magazine) in Italy, and is also one of the four feature articles currently on OilPrice.com, which has more than 320,400 site visitors each day.
Not business as usual
With the sharp rise in fossil fuel prices and decrease in supply, and the resulting climate-eroding emissions, the travel sector is awakening. This past autumn, the World Travel & Tourism Council together with UN Environment Program and Accenture examined what it will take to decarbonize the industry. One in 10 jobs is within the sector, which is responsible for 8% of the world’s greenhouse emissions. The sector is a key driver in many countries, such as Aruba where it is approximately 90% of the island economy’s GDP.
The pathway is available to all
From Aruba to Thailand, the Austrian Alps to Saudi Arabia, and across aviation within the travel sector, uniform guidelines are helping hospitality entities begin or continue their journeys to net-zero. To streamline expectations and results, guidelines such as those within the new Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism and the Paris Agreement, include science-based targets for accurate reporting.
In added support of going net-zero in travel, investors are also factoring in Environmental, Social, and Governance, or ESG, criteria as they consider companies. These ethical and sustainability factors provide a fuller picture of the hotel’s collective conscientiousness in their valuations.
“The hospitality world is pressing the importance of going net-zero and the guidance is here for answering the call,” says Ewald Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort. “By going net-zero, together we increase our value as a vacation haven and preserve our community while protecting our shared, yet vulnerable, environment,” says Ewald Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.
Learn more about Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.

Article written by Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort