brings joy and encouragement to the little soccer players of Aruba

Talented Soccer athlete, Trinity Evanshen, brings joy and encouragement to the little soccer players of Aruba

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

She’s young, charming and a very talented soccer athlete, and she’s only 10 years old. Trinity Evanshen Coito, from Canada, is a very sweet young girl who is a very promising athlete in the sport of Soccer in Canada. In addition, she has a very big heart for children and she wants to give other kids the chance to become a soccer star in their own countries.

Trinity and her family have been repeat guests of Costa Linda Beach Resort Aruba for the past 10 years.
Last year, Trinity paid a visit to several local soccer teams to learn more about Aruban Soccer, especially the childrens’ divisions. She had the chance to interact with local kids practicing Soccer and she noticed some of the teams had some trouble getting the appropriate Soccer gear to practice and play, so she wanted to do something about it.

Terry Evanshen, Trinity’s Grandfather and a Canada Hall of Famer of the CFL, is a very famous man who has many good friends. Trinity asked Terry to help her to raise some funds to buy Soccer gear to give it to the Aruban Soccer children teams in need. Needless to say they rolled up their sleeves and started to make it happen and the results were more than fruitful because managed to raise about US$3000. Furthermore, because of Terry’s status as Hall of Famer, he is entitled to have a 50% discount on any purchase of sporting goods, which helped them collect around US$6000-worth of sporting goods to bring to Aruba.

With a very giving heart, Trinity’s family handed over the donation of the sporting goods to a representative of the local Soccer Federation to be used by the local children.

Recently, they were back in Aruba and paid another visit to a local Soccer team, this time the Brazil Jrs Soccer Team, a team from the District of Brazil where most of their young players come from less resourced families. However, their manager Mr. Marcelo Croes is a man who has been supporting the team from the last 25 years with basically no resources or sponsors or whatsoever. 
The Evanshens invited Mr. Croes to visit them at the Costa Linda Beach Resort Aruba so they could talk a little more comfortably about the team. They were touched by the story about the team and how much they must struggle to have any income or any sponsorship to buy even uniforms, not to mention any other gear as Soccer shoes or any other Soccer practice items.
 After the conversation, the Evanshens gave Mr. Croes the good news; they will help the team and in their next visit to Aruba, they will bring a shipment of enough Soccer gear and practice items for the team. What’s more, they gave Mr. Croes a donation of US$500 for the team’s children, money that was used to buy new uniforms for the little division. Mr. Marcelo Croes expressed his most outmost gratitude to the Evanshens and especially to little Trinity, the angel who brought joy to the little soccer players on this holiday season.

Trinity plays for the Oshawa Kicks Soccer Team from Canada and recently participated on a Sheffield Wednesday Football Academy try-out camp, also known as “The Owls”.  Trinity definitely got the attention of the camp coaches and they notified Trinity’s family that they are interested in bringing Trinity to train and play with the SWFC Elite Academy in South Yorkshire, England, and soon we will be hearing more about her performance in England.

Trinity’s family supports her all the way and they have become a very important influence considering they are a family with sports running through their veins.

In the pictures we can see Trinity with her family, Tara and Daniel Coito, her parents, Lorraine and Terry her Grandparents and the little but not less fighting-spirited little sister, Hope.  Also pictured is the moment when Trinity was handing over the donation to Mr. Marcelo Croes, Manager of the Brazil Jrs Soccer team.  God bless you Evanshens!