Regular visitors to Aruba for 14 years drop by at Taste of Belgium for their morning coffee

Regular visitors to Aruba for 14 years drop by at Taste of Belgium for their morning coffee

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

On the picture you see Wim (75) and Wil (73). For already 14 years they have been flying every year 10 hours from the Netherlands to Aruba. The main goal for their visit was to see their daughter, and since a few years ago, also to see their grandchildren.

Since they love to spend time with their family here on Aruba they stay 4 whole months. They have a beautiful studio were they stay.

Every morning Wim and Wil pass by at Taste of Belgium to drink a nice cup of coffee. They enjoy their time at Taste of Belgium and read the Dutch newspapers which are always available at Taste of Belgium.

Thank you for your visit and enjoy your family time!

If you also would like to enjoy a good cup of morning coffee you can always come to Taste of Belgium. Open every day from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Taste of Belgium is located in the Palm Beach Plaza.