Returning guests of Papillon Restaurant Aruba surprised with a special birthday cake

Returning guests of Papillon Restaurant Aruba surprised with a special birthday cake

Courtesy of: Aruba Daily

Almost every weekend Papillon restaurant is lucky to have one of the nicest families of Aruba for dinner. The moment they come in and greet all the staff with a friendly smile they get served right away a Moijito for each member of the family.

This past weekend daughter and father were both celebrating their birthdays.

These regular guests at Papillon Restaurant in The Village were in for a treat when they came by to celebrate their birthdays. As the family loves to drink mojito’s, the chef had whipped up a tremendous Mojito cake specially made for the family, which proved to be an instant hit.

The whole family got the royal treatment when they arrived at Papillon last weekend.   As it was a birthday, there should be champagne, so they were welcomed with glasses Moët & Chandon with fresh mint. Dessert was the Mojito cake. The family always orders the day’s specials, so they did not deviate from their routine and did the same. Thank you for choosing Papillon Restaurant to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday and congratulations!