The Foundation For Elderly Care Aruba
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The Foundation For Elderly Care Aruba
SABA (Stichting Algemene Bejaardenzorg Aruba) was founded in 1972 as a retirement home. As time went on, there were different (social) developments. These developments had there impact on the clients of SABA. SABA grew slowly to the function of nursing care.
It is known that the need for nursing homecare will rise in the coming years.
A look at the current situation SABA has three homes under its management.
- Nursing home Oranjestad comprising the San Pedro paviljoen and St.Michael paviljoen.
- Nursing home Maris Stelle at Savaneta
- Nursing San Nicolas at San Nicolas.
SABA is Aruba's largest provider of care for destitute elderly. A total care provided to 255 residents. Through a recognized quality system SABA tries to continuous improve the care.
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