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Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I stay in Aruba as a tourist?

Citizens of the Netherlands and/or the Netherlands Antilles may stay up to six months in Aruba. For more details on citizens with other variables and their allowed duration of stay in Aruba as a tourist, see the Tourist section on our Moving to Aruba page.

Where can I find information on Permanent Residence Permits in Aruba?

For information on permanent residence permits and Aruba, see the Permanent Residence Permit section on our Moving to Aruba page.

Where can I find information on purchasing a home and/or property in Aruba?

Check out our sister company,, for information on all things Aruba real estate. See their Buying a Home on Aruba page for specific details and insights on purchasing a home in Aruba. See their Advice on Buying Property in Aruba page for specific info on purchasing property in Aruba, as well as taxes and costs. For more insights on life on Aruba, see their Living in Aruba page.

Where can I find information on Temporary Permits in Aruba?

For information on temporary permits and Aruba, see the Temporary Permit section on our Moving to Aruba page.

Where can I find more information about Temporary and Permanent Work Permits in Aruba?

For information on temporary/work permits and Aruba, see the Temporary and Permanent Work Permit section on our Moving to Aruba page.

Who do I have to contact for official information regarding moving to Aruba and permits?

For official information regarding moving to Aruba, you would need to get in touch with the island’s official Department of Integration, Policy and Admission of Foreigners. This Aruban government department is locally, and officially, known as Departamento di Integracion, Maneho y Admision di Stranhero (DIMAS).

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